On Friday, February 19 2021, the kick-off of course training for trainers was carried out as part of the DIG4LIFE project aimed at ensuring a training-intervention action that provides for:
  1. the participation of teachers in the training and co-planning activities that will take place between May and November 2021, for a training commitment of about 80 hours for teachers (IO1 Teachers Self Assessment test and tools and IO2 – Co-design of the prototype: Digital Environment for Literacy and Future);
  2. the subsequent experimentation that the teachers will do, as part of the action aimed at students (IO3 – TESTING of the prototype on school students testing – February/June 2022), to bring in the classroom, under the supervision of the promoters of the initiative, methodologies and tools, co-designed and acquired during the first phase.
The DITES Research Centre, as Associated Partner, participates in all project activities, in collaboration with the Italian partners: the University of Roma Tre, as Applicant, and Entropy, always engaged in innovative training projects based on new technologies. This first training course aims to create the transnational team of facilitators, defined by the consortium, will develop in five weeks, using resources for synchronous and asynchronous collaboration, with the aim of sharing the main theoretical contributions, the methodology, tools and objectives of the objective training-intervention path of the project. In particular, during the IO1 teachers will be involved in the PIAAC and DigCompEDU self-assessment with the support of local facilitators, who will be specially trained for this mentoring activities. The data collected after the self-assessment will describe the strengths and weaknesses of teachers’ digital skills and will help to better delineate the reference context within which to begin to “build” the prototype of the diagnostic tool for Digital Maturity (IO2). Each partner will involve minimum 15 teachers to participate in all the project phases (self-assessment, prototype co-design, testing and follow up).